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OnePlus 5 og 5T ejere får Android 10

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Har du en OnePlus 5 eller OnePlus 5T, så er der godt nyt – Nu rulller de OxygenOS 10 med Android 10.0 ud til ejerne.

OnePlus opdaterer OnePlus 5 og 5T, til trods fo at de første modeller kom i 2017 til Android 10. Det viser at OnePlus holder deres løfte om at holde deres mobil-ejere opdateret så længe som muligt.


I et blog-indlæg på OnePlus’s hjemmeside fortæller de hvilke ekstra funktioner brugerne får i OxygenOS 10 på de ældre modeller. Opdateringen kommer OTA (Over The Air), og begynder at rulle ud nu.

Du kan læse indlægget her.

We are very excited to announce that we are currently rolling out OxygenOS version 10.0.0 based on Android 10, for the OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T.


  • System
    • Upgraded to Android 10
    • Brand new UI design
    • Enhanced location permissions for privacy
    • New customization feature in the Settings allowing you to choose icon shapes to be displayed in the Quick Settings
  • Game Space
    • New Game Space feature now add all your favorite games in one place for easier access and better gaming experience
  • Message
    • Now possible to block spam by keywords for Message (Messages – Spam – Settings -Blocking settings)
  • Full Screen Gestures (OnePlus 5T Only)
    • Removed back gesture from the bottom of the screen
    • Added back gesture on the left and right side of the phone
    • Added a bottom navigation bar to allow switching left or right for recent apps
  • Camera
    • Electronic image stabilization currently under optimization and will be pushed in later stabler versions. Please stay tuned.

Explore what’s new on Android 10 here.

This OTA will have a staged rollout. The OTA will be received by a limited number of users today and will have a broader rollout in a few days after making sure there are no critical bugs. Using VPN to download this build might not work as the rollout Is not based on regions and is randomly pushed out to a limited number of devices.

For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T, we appreciate your active feedback and for reaching out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to getting your continued feedback via the Community app.

Her på elsker vi en god dialog. Blot det holdes i en pæn tone, uden personhetz og indenfor emnet. Tak fordi du bidrager positivt. Kommentarer modereres.