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Årets store HiFi-udstilling i München er aflyst

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Foto: audiohead /

Årets store HiFi-udstilling ‘High End Munich’ er aflyst pga. Covid-19-virus (Corona).

Coronavirussen (Covid-19) har fået endnu et offer indenfor udstillinger.

I denne uge var det Mobile World Congress (MWC), årets toneangivende mobiludstilling, der skulle have været afholdt i Barcelona. Men den blev aflyst med begrundelse i spredningen af Covid-19-virus (ny Corona).


Nu er det ‘High End Munich’, der store internationale HiFi-udstilling i München, der trækker stikket grundet faren for spredning af virusset.

Udstillingen skulle have været afholdt d. 14-17. maj i år, hvor 550 udstillere var klar til at fremvise det seneste grej indenfor high end audio.

Herunder udmeldingen fra organisationen bag.



The HIGH END 2020 trade show, planned for May 14 to 17, has been cancelled due to the current worsening trend with respect to the spread of the novel coronavirus. This decision was reached by the HIGH END SOCIETY Service GmbH upon consideration of all criteria in close cooperation with the Board of the HIGH END SOCIETY e.V.

Given that in addition to the countries affected in Asia, infections in Italy have rapidly increased within a few days, it is unclear how the virus will continue to spread in Europe. As organisers of an international trade show, we consider it our responsibility, on the one hand, to safeguard the health of all stakeholders, and on the other hand, to work towards averting possible economic losses of the exhibitors.

Since the rapid spread of the virus in China in mid-January, we have been weighing the possible consequences for the exhibition planned in May. The situation was re-assessed each day by monitoring not only the global spread of the coronavirus but also the international trade show and exhibition scene. In addition to the special situation for Chinese exhibitors, over the past few weeks, we have increasingly received inquiries from other companies as to whether the strained situation would have an impact on the HIGH END 2020.

A total of 500 trade visitors from 40 countries had registered for the HIGH END 2020 trade show. You will be informed on the latest news concerning the cancellation. Trade visitors and end users who have already purchased a ticket for the HIGH END 2020 will naturally receive a refund.



Andre nyheder om elektronikverdenens påvirkning af covid-19 virus (corona)


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