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Redningskrans til Huawei: Kan igen købe ind hos US-firmaer

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Trump kaster nu en redningskrans ud til Huawei, som igen kan købe ind af amerikanske produkter.

USA Præsident Donald Trump har ophævet en del af handelsrestriktionerne overfor Huawei. Det skete på et pressemøde i forbindelse med G20-konferencen i Japan lørdag.


Trump fortalte at Huawei køber stort ind hos amerikanske tech-virksomheder, og sålænge det ikke udgør en sikkerhedsrisiko vil de igen kunne købe amerikansk. Det skriver Forbes.

Huawei har dog fortsat forbud mod at sælge deres produkter i USA, men ophævning af indkøbsforbudet vil gøre det muligt for Huawei at fortsætte med at levere deres populære produkter som smartphones, tablets, wearables og computere mm. i andre dele af verden, ikke mindst i Europa.


Trump udtalte:

“One of the things I will allow, however, is, a lot of people are surprised we send and we sell to Huawei a tremendous amount of product that goes into the various things that they make. And I said that that’s okay, that we will keep selling that product.

These are American companies… that make product and that’s very complex, by the way, and highly scientific. And in some cases we’re the ones that do it, we’re the only ones that do it.

What we’ve done in Silicon Valley is incredible, actually and nobody has been able to compete with it, and I’ve agreed and pretty easily, I’ve agreed to allow them to continue to sell that product.

So American companies will continue and they were having a problem, the companies were not exactly happy that they couldn’t sell because they had nothing to do with whatever it was potentially happening with respect to Huawei, so I did do that”.

Kilde: Forbes


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