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Slut med B&O PLAY, bliver til Bang & Olufsen

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Snart er det slut med Beoplay-produkterne. Bang & Olufsen samler mærkerne under et fælles brand.

B&O PLAY blev lanceret for 6 år siden som et ‘sub brand’ hos Bang & Olufsen. Eget mærke, eget forretningsområde, egen organisation med egen ledelse i koncernen og egne kanaler for salg.

Nu er det mærke blevet en succes, så stor at Beoplay er tæt på at overhale ‘storebror’ i omsætning.


Men såvidt kommer det ikke til at gå, for Bang & Olufsen har besluttet at nedlægge B&O PLAY. Ikke produkterne, men mærket Beoplay.

“Med virkning fra 1. juni 2018 der integrerede virksomheden de to forretningsenheder som fremover operere under et enkelt mærke, Bang & Olufsen”, står der i årsregnskabet.

Her i løbet af 2018-2019 vil Bang & Olufsen gradvist erstatte B&O PLAY over hele linjen, fra embalage og markedsføring, til butikker og digitale platforme.

Den fulde tekst fra Bang & Olufsen årsregnskab 2017/18, omhandlende udfasningen af B&O PLAY, kan læses herunder.


Ensuring consistent brand execution

Over the past six years, the company has successfully grown its B&O PLAY business unit, building on the Bang & Olufsen brand heritage.

Bang & Olufsen and B&O PLAY have operated as separate business units due to their different operational agendas, while at the same time supporting a common brand equity. The brand equity remains very strong, but brand awareness remains low compared to consumer electronics peers in the growth regions outside Europe.

In 2017/18, the company developed closer and more consistent ties between the two business units. A unified execution has ensured a more impactful marketing approach and facilitated a more consistent customer experience, in particular in key markets such as China and the US.

Effective 1 June 2018, the company integrated the two business units and going forward will operate under a single brand, Bang & Olufsen, with a functional organisational setup fully aligned with the roles and responsibilities of the Group Management team as well as the rest of the organisation.

This single-brand approach will be gradually implemented during 2018/19 across marketing, product packaging, in store visual merchandising, digital platforms and other touchpoints.

The company’s target customers are the “creative curators”. The target group is consistent with the key customer groups of the former Bang & Olufsen and B&O PLAY business units and is defined predominantly on the basis of their creative mindset and their interest in curated experiences rather than the classical demographics of gender, age, and social status.

Kilde: Bang & Olufsen årsregnskab 2017/18


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