Er du en af de brugere på der støttede NEEO multi-fjernbetjeningen i 2014 på Kickstarter, så er der godt nyt. NEEO er begyndt i stor stil at udsende produkter til alle støtter.
I 2014 havde en lille virksomhed ved navn NEEO stor succes med introduktionen af deres multi-fjernbetjening som understøtter alle væsentlige protokoller, og udover et lækkert design også havde muligheden for at blive programmeret på en måde ikke set før på det tidspunkt.
NEEO består af en fjernbetjening med oplader og det som NEOO kalder deres “Brain” (hjerne). Hub’en Brain indeholder alle vigtige kommunikationsprotokoller Zigbee, Z-Wave, Bluetooth og IRDA og Wifi.
Brain dækker IRDA i 360 grader, så uanset hvor du placerer din Brain kan den ramme alle enheder i lokalet. Brain kommunikerer også med fjernbetjeningen, som via sine knapper og sin højtopløselige retina touchskærm gør det let at fjernbetjene nærmest alt i huset. besøgte allerede i 2016 NEEO på CES, og direktøren for NEEO Raphael Oberholzer fortalte dengang til, at man solgte 6.500 fjernbetjeninger på Kickstarter og yderligere 3.500 i forhåndsordre.
Problemet var bare at ingen fik deres fjernbetjeninger på det lovede tidspunkt i 2015.
Årene gik, og der skete ikke så meget
NEEO kunne ikke levere de lovede fjernbetjeninger, og blev med tiden pressede af både tid og utålmodige Kickstarter støtter, men der skete ikke så meget.
Men NEEO har ikke siddet stille. De har produktudviklet, og de har kæmpet med at få produktionen til at spille. Men problemerne med produktionen kunne de ikke løbe fra.
“Problemerne skyldes at den leverandør vi havde valgt som lille startup ikke var gearet til at lave så mange enheder, og så måtte vi på jagt efter en ny og større leverandør. Det har vi fundet nu, og så er det vigtigt at kvaliteten følger med, for man kan ikke opgradere leveret hardware, kun software, og kvaliteten er vigtig” fortalte Raphael Oberholzer til i januar 2016.
Men i efteråret 2017 lovede NEEO at de snart var klar til at udsende produkterne, og i sidste uge begyndte man så udsendelserne til alle Kickstarter støtter, og om ikke så længe begynder udsendelsen til alle de kunder der har “pre-ordered” en NEEO fjernbetjening. er blandt de kunder der har forudbestilt en NEEO, og skal nok lave en test af enheden når vi modtager den, men vi forventer ikke noget før vi har den i hånden.
Nedenfor kan du læse hele NEEO’s blogindlæg som de skrev på i denne uge.
Har du støttet NEEO på Kickstarter, må du meget gerne skrive til når du har modtaget din multi-fjernbetjening.
Ready for some good news? This post contains the eagerly awaited shipping update for EU, Switzerland and other countries around the globe. Before we dive into that, let me give you a status update of what happened in the busy past weeks:
US, Canada & Mexico All US, Canada and Mexico units have been shipped and nearly all of them are up and running. These are just amazing times. So much work went into this and when creating a product, especially hardware, there are a million things that could have gone wrong. There are so many parts, from infrastructure to the hardware, and nothing major went wrong. The team here is extremely happy about that ;). Of course, the support team has some work to do too. It’s a tech product after all, and in the real world not every user has immediate success with everything in the setup. Jeff and the customer experience and support team are very committed to getting everyone up and running, to the full NEEO experience. We care a lot about that. If you do experience any issue in your setup, please never hesitate to contact [email protected] or ask us on Planet NEEO. Overall, we are so happy about how it went. Of course, there is quite a list of things that came up, like missing devices or some bugs. Most of it is fixed already and – little spoiler – there are a couple of massive software updates being released in the coming weeks. The first one may be published during the upcoming week, depending on how beta testing goes. Stay tuned.
What’s shipping next? Great news. If you are in a country that has not shipped yet – your NEEO is air-freighted from China to Europe as we speak and it will be shipped to you from there individually. I will talk about several regions individually here, as the process is not the same for all countries.
EU countries During the last weeks we have been fighting hard to bring costs – such as import duties and fees – down for you. We finally came to a great solution that saves you over EUR 50 compared to most quotes we had! We went back and forth with the logistics companies, VAT experts and other partners to provide you a solution that is as painless as possible. This new workflow means that some of the previous statements you may have read are now outdated. We spoke about “bonded warehouses” and about you being “charged at the door” – but that is not valid anymore. These changes were all done to reduce the import costs for you. Initially, with the bonded warehouse and the VAT, all the fees and COD (collect on delivery) charges you would have paid at the door was nearly $100 and I disliked that (and you would most likely and understandably disliked that too). The COD alone makes the package around $18 more expensive for most regions with most providers. So we went out, challenged all the quotes, worked with awesome experts (thank you @Britta and everyone else), went through a huge number of calculations, and finally came to a new model we love to present you: Now NEEO will import the goods at bulk unbonded, rather than bonded and delivered to you via COD charge. As a result, NEEO will be covering all costs for this including any customs related fees and duties. You will only be charged VAT. No surprises, no fees. We have prepared a personal shipment link for you where you can activate the shipment by paying the VAT and you are all done. So no charge at the door, you don’t need to have any cash ready when the unit arrives. Thanks @Pascal, Pat, Hamaad, Robert and many others who worked hard getting this in place. You will receive your personal shipping link in the next hours.
Switzerland NEEO is a Swiss company. So we thought we do something special for Switzerland. Your unit will be shipped out directly from the NEEO HQ. From Switzerland to Switzerland. There will be NO customs duties or import fees charged to you. The only cost that you will have to cover is the 8% Swiss VAT. You will receive a paper invoice for that together with your unit. No additional costs. No surprises. Hope you love it.
Other countries With “other countries” we are referring to all countries and regions that are not mentioned above. Your units will be shipped from Germany to various continents. In your case, we need to stick to the COD, so you will be charged at the door. We struck an agreement with a German shipping partner and secured as low of rates as possible. You will be charged country-specific import charges and VAT when the product is delivered.
Timing All the units mentioned here will be traveling from China to Switzerland and Germany in the next few days. There is a slight risk – which you always have – that customs could delay things. If things go according to plan, we expect all the units to be shipped to you in less than 30 days, hopefully sooner. Guys, it’s super-close! Also – we have a nice surprise in an upcoming firmware release that will arrive roughly at the same time as your unit. It’s something a lot of you have been asking for… You can look forward to it!
Needs have changed? We have decided to extend the deadline for refund requests for all regions that have not yet shipped. People whose plans have changed or for people who are not prepared to pay the VAT – please send us an e-mail to [email protected]. The new deadline is 24th of October 2017 11pm CET. |