PS4 fokuserer på spil, hvorfor Sony bl.a. valgte at fjerne muligheden for MP3- og CD afspilning på maskinen. Det fik mange til at kritisere Sony, hvilket nu har fået dem på nye tanker.
Sony Worldwide Studio chef, Shuhei Yoshida
?The biggest surprise for us all internally at Sony was that there are so many people who passionately reacted to our announcement that there’s no MP3 support or CD support on day one. The focus has been more on the game features. Some of the features we wanted but we couldn’t get in on day one. We didn’t really think about MP3 or CD. We thought, We’re going to do that eventually. It caught us off-guard.
Hvornår opdateringen der vil bringe din CD-samling i brug på PS4 vides endnu ikke.