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OnePlus beklager: Vil begrænse dataindsamling fra mobilerne

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OnePlus kom i modvind for at høste for mange data om deres brugere, men nu vil de indsamle færre data.

Som vi skrev forleden, så er mobilfabrikanten OnePlus kommet i modvind, fordi det er blevet afsløret at de høster mange data fra brugere af deres mobiltelefoner, også data der er såkaldt personhenførbare (som telefonnummer, MAC-adresse og tilsluttet WiFi).


Derudover indsamles data om brugen af telefonen. Data der ifølge OnePlus benyttes til at forbedre brugeroplevelsen. Den del kan slås fra, men uden at brugerne er blevet gjort opmærksom på det.

Nu melder mobilfabrikanten ud at de vil ændre på indsamling og procedurer.

Fra slutningen af oktober vil de informere brugerne om hvilke brugerdata der indsamles og hvordan det kan slås fra i konfigurationen.

De vil samtidig stoppe indsamling af personfølsomme oplysninger som telefonnummer, MAC-adresse og tilsluttet WiFi.

Hele indlægget, der er postet på OnePlus forum, kan læses herunder.


OnePlus svarer


We take our users – and their data privacy – very seriously. We want to take this opportunity to tell you a little more about data collection on OnePlus devices; explain what we are collecting and why; and map the changes we will make going forward to address your concerns. While data collection is a standard industry practice, we realize that our users have the right to understand how and why it is done. Please know that we take this matter seriously and will proactively take steps to improve going forward.

OnePlus devices using OxygenOS securely transmit analytics in two different streams, usage analytics and device information.

The reason we collect usage analytics through the user experience program is so we can better understand general phone behavior and optimize OxygenOS for a better overall user experience. At any time, users can opt-out of usage analytics collection by navigating to ‘Settings’ -> ‘Advanced’ -> ‘Join user experience program’.

The reason we collect some device information is to better provide after-sales support. If you opt out of the user experience program, your usage analytics will not be tied to your device information.

We’d like to emphasize that at no point have we shared this information with outside parties. The analytics we’re discussing in this post, which we only look at in aggregate, are collected with the intention of improving our product and service offerings.

By the end of October, all OnePlus phones running OxygenOS will have a prompt in the setup wizard that asks users if they want to join our user experience program. The setup wizard will clearly indicate that the program collects usage analytics. In addition, we will include a terms of service agreement that further explains our analytics collection. We would also like to share we will no longer be collecting telephone numbers, MAC Addresses and WiFi information.

We take privacy very seriously and do not share analytics with third parties. Our intention has always been to better serve our users. Looking ahead, we will continue working directly with our users to do so. We appreciate your patience and feedback.


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