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Disse Samsung-telefoner får Android 7 Nougat

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Samsung begynder nu at opdatere telefonerne til Android 7.0 Nougat

Efter uger på testbænken, der er Samsung nu klar til at rulle den nyeste Android-udgave ud til et udvalg af deres smartphones.


Det har indledt opdateringen, med at få Android 7.0 Nougat lagt ud på telefonerne Galaxy S7 og Galaxy S7 Edge.

Senere følger opdatering af disse smartphones:

  • Galaxy S6
  • Galaxy S6 Edge
  • Galaxy S6 Edge Plus
  • Galaxy Note 5
  • Galaxy A3
  • Galaxy A8

Opdateringerne vil udkomme drypvis efterhånden som de er testet og godkendt. Samsung venter at opdateringerne er rullet ud til disse forskellige telefoner inden sommer.

Nedenfor et overblik over hvad Samsung selv fremhæver i opdateringen.


Notifications, Performance Mode


Android 7.0 Nougat

Quick Panel and Notifications

The Quick Panel features a cleaner aesthetic, as titles have been removed from the icons in the panel’s first depth. Icons in the second depth are organized into groups of nine, making them easier to locate.

Users can also utilize the integrated S Finder to locate what they want on their smartphone or the web straight from the Quick Panel. Notifications are now grouped to display information more clearly and also support Direct Reply.

Multi Window

An improved controller allows the window size to be more easily adjusted in split screen view. Also, with a new pop-up window function that supports up to five separate windows in addition to the two in the split-screen view, users can access up to seven apps at the same time.

Performance Mode

The newly added Performance Mode lets users optimize their smartphones to better meet their specific needs by activating one of the four available modes. Optimized mode, for example, extends battery life and enhances speed, and is suitable for daily usage, while Game mode provides useful functions such as Game Launcher and Game Tools. Entertainment mode enhances sound and image quality and High Performance mode enables the highest quality display settings possible.

Samsung Pass

Samsung Pass, the feature that works as a master key for website login on Samsung Internet, is now supported on the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge. Users can use their fingerprint to log into selected websites and apps with Samsung Pass.** The feature will soon be expanded to support mobile banking app integration.


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