Kinesiske OnePlus, har på Twitter annonceret, at du nu kan køre Ubuntu på din OnePlus One telefon. OnePlus har nemlig meddelt at de i fremtiden vil støtte Ubuntu familien.
På OnePlus’s blog kan man læse at man allerede nu kan hente en tidlig version til OnePlus One, men at der også er Ubuntu versioner på vej til OnePlus X.
Så har du allerede en OnePlus One, og vil du gerne se om en Linux baseret telefon der kører Ubuntu er dig, så kan du hente den lige her
Der er dog ting der ikke virker endnu
På Ubuntu’s hjemmeside kan man læse at der stadig er ting som ikke virker, og det er bl.a. kamera, bluetooth og GPS. Så man skal være opmærksom på at det er en tidlig beta man får installeret.
Og vær opmærksom på, at det stadig kræver stor kendskab til Linux at bruge telefonen, så du skal ikke gøre det hvis du ikke er stærk i det operativsystem.
Nedenfor kan du læse OnePlus blogindlæg.
Læs også vores anmeldelse af OnePlus One.
Friends, Flashers, hold onto your hats! We’re happy to be partnering with our friends over at Canonical and the open source community to announce that the OnePlus One is joining the Ubuntu family. While you’re on the move, Ubuntu offers quick access to all of your content and the full command line interface. The tailor-made smartphone version of Ubuntu was meticulously designed to revolve around your life. Ubuntu’s scopes bring everything you need together on one screen, so your favorite services and content are always within reach. At OnePlus we’re proud of how open our devices have been in the past. We’re committed to ensure that all of our devices are as open as possible. The release of Ubuntu on the OnePlus One underlines this commitment, while development on a OnePlus X release is well underway. Developers, fans and tech enthusiasts have all been clamoring for a full Ubuntu release on a phone. We’re excited that our devices are some of the first to receive an Ubuntu release. Be aware, the Ubuntu release that is currently available for the OnePlus One remains a work in progress and more features are expected to be added to the build in the future. Work on a full OnePlus X release is in progress. Calling all developers! The community has encountered a number of difficulties in the development process. Anyone interested in helping out with the OnePlus X build is welcome on Ubuntu’s developer page. Can’t wait to get flashing? You can find an image of the OnePlus One build here. Also, if you’re attending MWC, make sure to stop by Canonical’s stand to take the OnePlus One, Ubuntu in-tow, for a test drive. Never Settle. |