Sådan ser det komplette lineup af Philips Android TV ud for foråret 2016
Philips præsenterede deres TV-nyheder for 2016 i Bruxelles torsdag, og her er et overblik over alle nyhederne med Android TV.
Modellerne hedder 5501, 6401, 6501, 7101, 7601, 8601 og 8901. De to sidstnævnte udkom før jul, mens de øvrige kommer dette forår. Den mindste model 5501 er Full HD, mens alle de øvrige er UHD TV.
Nøgleord for modellerne er:
Philips 5501 Android TV

De mindste modeller med Android TV er Full HD modellerne i 5500-serien.
Kommer i størrelserne 32″, 40″, 43″ og 49″.
Philips 5501 – bringing Android™ Smart functionality to a mainstream TV Philips 5501 Android TVs are FHD Android powered Smart TV system. Dual-core Smart TV platform with the scale of the Google Play store with its wide choice of apps and online gaming all optimized for TV usage. A slim-line silver design with a ‘Pinch’ stand. |
Philips 6401 Android TV

6400-serien er den mindste serie med Android TV og UHD. Fra denne serie understøttes også HDR.
Kommer i størrelserne 32″ (Full HD) og 43″, 49″ og 55″ i UHD.
Philips 6401 – Ultra HD resolution with HDR+, Ambilight and Android TVTM Philips 6401 UHD TVs are HDR+ compatible. Has Pixel Plus Ultra HD processing engine and Micro Dimming, for improved motion. Entry mdel for the Ambilight system in the 2016 range and includes the 2-sided version. Android Smart TV is also featured and offers a wide variety of games and apps and quad core processing. A modern, dark metal design and slim ‘Pinch’ stand. |
Philips 6501 & 6561 Android TV

Både 6501 og 6561 kommer i størrelserne 43″, 49″ og 55″.
Philips 6561 and 6501 – up to three sided Ambilight & HDR+ Philips 6500 UHD TVs are a step up in both performance and design. Pixel Precise Ultra HD engine produces sharp, natural and realistic images. Micro Dimming Pro technology monitors 6400 zones within the image to optimise contrast. Perfect Natural Motion system gives clarity to moving images- Comes with HDR+ and the latest version of Android TVM, powered by a quad core processor, and keyboard remote for easy text input and navigation- 6561 has 3-sided while 6501 TV offers 2-sided Ambilight. ‘Arc’ stand design with slim bezel and premium light metal finish. |
Philips 7101 & 7181 Android TV

7100 kommer i størrelserne 49″, 55″, 65″ og 75″.
Philips 7101 and 7181 – Android TV with HDR+ The Philips 7101 and 7181 has s Premium Colour system that combines a wider colour gamut panel with 2.25 trillion colour processing. The edge-lit LED sets feature the Micro Dimming Pro system, Perfect National Motion and powerful Pixel Precise UHD for judder-free motion and sharp images. Android TV with quad core processing and a keyboard remote ensures easy navigation to a wealth of content and apps. 7181 model features a central stand and front firing speakers attached just below the screen with a 45W of total sound output. The 7101 series has minimalist look with rear-firing, multi-ring speakers and a metal ‘Ribbon’ edge feet design. Comes with 3-sided Ambilight. |
Philips 7601 & 8601 Android TV

Premium-modellerne indenfor Android TV starter med model 7601 og det er samtidig den nyeste model blandt topmodellerne og den der er længst fremme på billedkvalitet og HDR (lys (nits) på skærmen).
Philips kalder 7601 en flagskibsmodel til medium pris. I forhold til 71xx der har 76xx direkte bagbelysning (local dimming) og med bedre performance end den tidligere 9000-serie topmodeller fra Philips.
8-serien (8601 og 8901) er modeller der allerede er på markedet.
7601 er indtil videre kun planlagt i en 65″ udgave, mens 8601 fås i 55″ og 65″.
På videoen her vises 7601 frem sammen med 8601.
Philips 7601 – flagship features and amazing HDR Premium picture quality in midrange model With 2D Micro-Dimming Premium and Bright Pro Premium technology, the 7601 comes with features normally reserved for the flagship 9000 range. 2D Micro-Dimming Premium technology, which utilises a direct dimmable backlight divided into 128 separate, independent zones whilst Bright Pro Premium can drive local peak light output to 600 Nits. Perfect Pixel UHD processing engine ensures rich and detailed pictures with content from any source upscaled into beautiful UHD Images. The new Premium Colour system combines a wide colour gamut display with 2.25 trillion colour processing. The Perfect Natural Motion system ensures that clear sharp movements. Design is quality metal bezel and chassis with elegant edge feet. Comes with 3-sided Ambilight.
Philips 8601 – outstanding sound, design and picture quality Philips 8601 offer the best sound execution of any Philips TV. 16 micro-drivers are mounted in two polished dark chrome, speakers that can be detached and placed wide of the set. Premium Colour system combines a wider colour gamut panel – with a peak light output of 700 Nits – and 2.25 Trillion colour processing. 4-sided Ambilight creates the illusion that the 8601 TV is floating in a halo of light. |
Philips 8901 Android TV

Flagskibet 8901 er efterårets highend model til en highend pris. Med et prisskilt på 50.000 kroner er den mere eksklusiv.
En af årsagerne til den høje pris er Ambilux, hvor Ambilight er erstattet af 9 projektorer der kan skyde “billeder” op på væggen bag, og dermed gøre Ambilight mere detaljeret.
Modellen her er allerede markedet, med medtages her for fuldstændighedens skyld.
8901 føres kun i en 65″ udgave.
Philips 8901 – AmbiLux, the pinnacle of Ambilight 8901 AmbiLux TV comes with UHD picture quality and HDR+ compatibility. AmbiLux system comes with nine tiny, rear mounted pico-projectors that extend the on-screen image onto the wall behind the TV. |
Model overblik
Sammenligningsskema over Philips 2016 TV-modeller (ikke kun Android TV)
Pris og tilgængelighed
Priser og lanceringsdatoer for forårets nye Philips Android TV følger senere.