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George Lucas undskylder til Disney

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George Lucas kom forleden til at kalde Disney hvide slavehandlere, og det er der nok mere end en direktør i den store koncern der ikke er glade for. George Lucas har ihvertfald hurtigt sendt en uforbeholden undskyldning.

I et interview til Hulu som er optaget inden premieren på Star Wars The Force Awakens kaldte George Lucas Disney for “hvide slavehandlere”, og nu har Lucas fortrudt sine udtalelser, og sendt Disney koncernen sin uforbeholdne undskyldninger.


Lucas undskylder både over for Disney koncernen men også direkte til Bog Iger, der er øverste chef for Disney og instruktør J.J. Abrams, der stod for Star Wars The Force Awakens.

Her er den skriftlige undskyldning

I want to clarify my interview on the Charlie Rose Show. It was for the Kennedy Center Honors and conducted prior to the premiere of the film. I misspoke and used a very inappropriate analogy and for that I apologize. I have been working with Disney for 40 years and chose them as the custodians of Star Wars because of my great respect for the company and Bob Iger’s leadership. Disney is doing an incredible job of taking care of and expanding the franchise. I rarely go out with statements to clarify my feelings but I feel it is important to make it clear that I am thrilled that Disney has the franchise and is moving it in such exciting directions in film, television and the parks. Most of all I’m blown away with the record breaking blockbuster success of the new movie and am very proud of JJ and Kathy.

Her på elsker vi en god dialog. Blot det holdes i en pæn tone, uden personhetz og indenfor emnet. Tak fordi du bidrager positivt. Kommentarer modereres.